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October - November - December 2022 Issue:4

Name & Surname?

Martina Simjanoska

What is your title?

Sales Specialist

Where would you most like to live?

I would like to live anywhere by the sea and where the weather is most of the time warm. Especially Maldives which is my dream destination. My goal is to go there next year. I’m not a winter person, so everything is different when the sun comes up.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

Intolerance for this modern world, new trends and all the modern technology, social media. I liked the period of time when I was growing with no phones and computers. I think we were more socialized then. But I am trying to fit in as the world is changing day by day.

What is your favorite feature?

I can’t choose one. I can say my favorite feature is being a perfectionist, but I also value my ability for fast learning and photo memory.

What is your greatest fear?

My greatest fear is failure. My confidence and my pursuit for perfectionism don’t get along with failure. Through life I am constantly trying to accept that the failure brings opportunity to learn new things. Learning from our mistakes helps us to become more strong individuals.

Which talent would you most like to have?

Public speaking and adaptability. I can say that public speaking is my second fear. As being an introvert person sometimes it’s hard for me to adapt in a new environment with new people. So that’s where my fear of public speaking came from. Because my job is working with people, I can proudly say that in that environment, my fear of public speaking it’s not coming to surface, over there I am in my comfort zone.

Who is your favorite hero in history?

I don’t have any heroes from history, but I have heroes from the present. I admire my parents the most. Especially my dad who taught me and still teaching me the most important life lessons, and how to deal with every obstacles that are coming.

What features do you want your friends to have?

I can’t change people. I am grateful for my friends that I have in my life as they are. They are all with different features and that’s what I like the most. Different features are more interesting and easier to get along with as we see things from different angles.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

If I could change something, I would like to be more patient and understandable, because I easily get frustrated at people who don’t work very hard. But as I said I can’t change people so, I would like to be understandable to those different work styles and habits.

What is your favorite occupation?

My favorite occupation is traveling. As I am answering these questions I am also packing for my new trip later with my family. I like spending quality time with my loved ones on every day off. That’s how I am charging my batteries and I am filling up with positive energy.

What is your greatest regret?

I think I am so young to regret anything, but until now maybe I regret not finishing my university and learning more languages. I still have time to change these things, I am only 25 years old. It’s never too late.

When and where were you happiest?

On New Year’s Eve while we were celebrating the upcoming of 2022, my boyfriend proposed to me and we got engaged. So my next chapter of life has begun and I am so excited for the new challenges that are coming. So I must say that previously I was happy but now I am even happier.

What is your motto?

The Walt Disney quote - “If you can dream it, you can do it.” , you just need to be yourself.



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